Thursday, November 15, 2018

Chameleon Parrotlet!

I have not been good at keeping up with this blog.  Bad me!

Tyrallon has been doing very well.  He's a highly independent little thing; he is generally much happier just hanging out in his cage by himself than coming out to spend time with me.  But, when I do convince him to deign me with his presence, he's a little sweetheart, so its fine.  I enjoy watching his antics anyway.

Well, he's about five months old now, and right on time, he's started his Big Boy molt (losing his baby feathers and growing in his adult feathers).  And apparently...  he's changing colors!  I had no idea this was a thing that could happen!

A couple of old pics, for comparison's sake:

And now, his pics from today!

"Happy" little bonus...  when I was trying to get the first set of photos, he decided it was a good time to regurgitate for me for the first time.  Goody.  They say it coincides with that first molt, but that's a little 'on the beak', isn't it, Tyr??