Sunday, August 26, 2018

Frozen Single-Serve Chop

It seems fitting that my first post on this new blog should be on my frozen chop.

I love birds, and parrots in particular.  They are, to me, the perfect pet.  There is a perfect companion for every person; from sweet, low-maintenance budgies and cockatiels, to feisty parrotlets and lovebirds, to cuddly cockatoos of varying sorts, or to the stunningly intelligent and sensitive African greys and Amazons.  They are easier to clean up after than dogs or cats, and smell much less as well.  And even the simpler parrots still put most dogs or cats to shame with their intelligence.  And of course, they are beautiful!

However, they do take a lot of care to be truly happy and healthy.  Almost all of them do significantly better if around half of their diet is fresh foods, like vegetables (especially leafy green veggies), fruit, grains, and legumes (beans).  Basically, the same things that make a healthy diet for people!

Unfortunately, I have a lot of medical issues that can make preparing fresh food for my fids (feather-kids) a challenge most days, and impossible on no few days.  That's where pre-prepared frozen single-servings of chop can come in super handy!  It allows me to just grab one cube and defrost it, and have almost-as-good-as-fresh chop for my babies with almost no effort for my bad days.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Welcome home, Tyrallon!


Two hours in the car and about 15 minutes at home, and I am absolutely flabbergasted at how curious my last parrotlet, Wisp, wasn't.