Sunday, August 5, 2018

Welcome home, Tyrallon!


Two hours in the car and about 15 minutes at home, and I am absolutely flabbergasted at how curious my last parrotlet, Wisp, wasn't.

On Wisp's ride home, she was a puffed up little ball of feathers indistinguishable from a statue of a parrotlet only by the occasional shiver or clumsy-baby falling off the perch.

This little guy was clicking and chirping, watching out the windows, exploring the cage, investigating how the perch is attached to the side, eating and drinking (milletmilletmilletmillet omg he got an entire stick of millet, all to himself! He even tried to pick it up and drag it up to his perch at one point. XD )

When we got home, I got one of the new toys we bought yesterday, and hung it in the travel cage (didn't want it swinging around during the drive. And his big boy palace-cage is still drying.) After the initial 'whoah wait what is that what are you doing?' flutter around the perimeter, it took about thirty seconds before he was perched on top of it and chewing at it curiously. And he even stepped up! (Followed rapidly by stepping down, but that's just fine with me haha)

He is now taking a very well-deserved nap. <3

So bright-eyed and alert!

He kept getting into this 'surfing' pose that was just cracking me up!

Home safe and sound (and the cage is no longer moving), so of course... naptime!

Now with toy!  


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